Break Free From Sugar Group Program [LIVE]

Uncover and heal the root causes of your sugar addiction so you can make peace with food, and yourself, for good! 


Are you ready to say goodbye to sugar cravings, afternoon energy crashes, and guilt after every binge? 


Or maybe you're ready to learn how to trust your body again and put an end to the fight with food?

Well... you're in the right place, love.

After struggling with my own addiction to sugar all on my own for well over 3 years, I knew I had to help others through this journey in a way that was less painful and all consuming!

This is exactly why I've combined the 3 pillars that I've learned over the past 7 years of guiding women to lasting sugar freedom, into one easy to follow and powerful 10-week program.

My unique process of diving into the inner work, emotional eating, reshaping beliefs, and detoxing from sugar all wrapped in a supportive, loving, and safe community.

If you're tired of "experts" telling you what you should or shouldn't do...

Tired of giving your power away and feeling disconnected from your body and true self...

And you're ready to learn how to tap into your own inner knowing and discover your OWN path to sugar freedom in a supportive group of like-minded women... keep reading!

Join Us

 You’re in the right place if you struggle with:


* Afternoon energy crashes

* Strong cravings for carbs & sugar

* Having tried every "diet" and nothing works

* Constant fight against food and your body

* Feeling disconnected from your body


* Unexplained stubborn weight gain

* Constant fatigue & low energy

* Feeling confused about what to eat for your body type

* Guilt and negative self-talk

* Emotional eating and numbing with food


Why should I care about sugar?

It’s everywhere. In your morning cereal, in your coffee, and it's even hiding in your salad dressing. Sugar is hiding in over 85% of the foods at the grocery store and overconsumption of this toxic substance is leading to diabetes, obesity, heart disease, weight gain, brain fog, exhaustion, gut damage, mental health issues, anxiety, and more.
It's our crutch to numb out and escape our true selves and difficult emotions ever since we were children. No more! It's time to take back control of your health, once and for all!!

A message from BFFS Alumni


What makes this program unique?

Safe Community

Heal together in a safe, loving, and non-judgmental community of other powerful women.  

Action Focused

Real change happens when we take action and implement the tools we're learning!

Root Cause Approach

Develop deep awareness and insight into the root causes of your sugar addiction.


Tune back into the power and wisdom of your body and discover your true authentic self.

Somatic Tools

Fill your food freedom toolbox with new skills and tools to support your nervous system.

No Diet Products

No expensive supplements or fake gimmicks.Just real, nourishing food.

Delicious Recipes

Discover how delicious real, whole foods are! Your family will be drooling over every meal ;) 

What's included in the Program?

❤ Weekly LIVE video group coaching calls for face-to-face motivation & connection

❤ Delicious whole food recipes, meal plans & shopping lists to fit any eating style

❤ Private Community & support from the other participants (not on Facebook)

❤ Weekly workbooks to guide you as you take inspired action

❤ Full support from a Sugar Freedom and Somatic Embodiment Coach

❤ Weekly accountability to keep you on track

❤ Access to the Sugar-Free Recipe Library

❤ Surprise bonus workshops and lessons along the way

❤ Tips, tricks, tools, videos, favorite books, and more!


What to expect each week…

Program Starts: February 5th, 2024

Week #1: Intentions + Sugar School

This week is all about preparing for the journey ahead. You'll be setting your intentions and goals, diving into your current relationship with sugar, and getting educated on all things sugar.

Week #2: Emotional Eating + Sugar Addiction

This week, you'll be diving into the deep rooted emotional connection we have with food and will learn how to process emotions in a new healthy way, while also learning about sugar addiction and the real root causes.

Week #3: Values + Fears + Limiting Beliefs

This week, we'll focus on the major root causes of sugar addiction: limiting beliefs, values and fears. You'll redefine your old belief patterns, get clear on what really matters to you, and break through your fears of failure and more!

Week #4: Sugar Free Prep Week

This week is all about prepping for your 4-week sugar free journey while increasing detox activities and foods. You'll also clean out your pantry and create your personalized detox support plan.

Week #5: Sugar Free Week One

It's time to officially go SUGAR-FREE this week. You'll feel excited, prepared, and ready to dive in and give up the toxic white stuff. Your mind and body are finally ready to take the leap!

Week 6: Meal Planning + Gut Health + Fasting

This week is all about creating the powerful habit of meal planning and learning how to become a pro in the kitchen! You'll also learn about gut health, mindful eating, and fasting practices to support your long term health.

Week #7: Self-Love + Connection

This week we dive even deeper into connecting with the love and gratitude for our true selves and our bodies. You'll also be learning about how to optimize your sleep and create more meaningful connections in your life. 

Week #8: Healthy Boundaries + Trauma Healing

This week you'll learn and practice how to set healthy boundaries in all areas of your life. We'll also be continuing to dive into our biggest root cause of sugar addiction: our traumas, while feeling deeply supported and encouraged. 

Week #9: Your New Relationship With Sugar

You’ve made it 4 weeks sugar-free! This week you’ll decide if you want to continue without sugar or if you’re ready to start building your new relationship with sugar. You’ll test the waters and build a new sense of trust with yourself.

Week #10: Moving Forward + Success Tips

Celebration week! You’ve made it through the program and are starting to feel strong, energized, and in control again! You’ll learn how to continue building your new relationship with sugar and how to set yourself up for ultimate success long into the future.


"Before I joined the Break Free From Sugar Program I was feeling depressed, defeated, and old! I had no energy and was uncomfortable in my own skin. I’ve tried every diet over the last 20 years and I always gained the weight back and felt deprived. When I first considered the program, I was hesitant because of the cost – but I now feel like it was the best money I’ve ever spent. I have my life back!!

Since the program, I feel like a new person!  My moods have stabilized, I have much more energy, my clothes feel loose, my acid reflux is gone, and I feel better than I have in 10 years! The recipes are amazing and I’ve been able to develop new healthy habits that stuck. The best part is that I never felt deprived of anything.

The program was amazing! I am now in control. I choose when I want sugar and what I want it to be. I would recommend this program to anyone – even if you do not think you have an addiction to sugar!" - Gloria M.


What will I be eating in the program?


The Break Free From Sugar Group Program is packed with 10 delicious weeks of fresh, real, & whole foods. Your body will be nourished and cared for every step of the way. Think of this as a chance to try something new, discover new flavours, and learn to love food again! The meals will include variations for all types of diets (gluten-free, keto, vegetarian, carnivore, etc…). Leave your thoughts of cold chicken and broccoli at the door and discover how drool worthy real food can be!

Real stories from past participants...


Not sure if the program is right for you?

Book a chat with Dani before registration ends on January 30th!

Are you making this mistake too?

The biggest mistake most women make when trying to kick sugar is believing that doing it on their own is the “cheaper” and "easier" route to go.

They believe that relying on will-power and simply cutting out sugar for a few months is a long-term solution to getting off the rollercoaster.

But if you've ever tried kicking sugar on your own before, you'll most likely know what inevitably happens after that 30 or 60 days sugar-free...

Life throws a curve ball at you and you're RIGHT back into old habits and patterns reaching for sugar to cope.

I'm here to tell you there's NOTHING wrong with you. You're not broken. The system is broken.

And until you decide to step into your power and uncover the true source of your habits around food and sugar, you'll stay on the yo-yo guilt bandwagon forever.

The truth is that our addictions to sugar and food have NOTHING to do with food itself and everything to do with your relationship with yourself.  Without re-wiring our old patterns, beliefs, and habits we can never build a new relationship with sugar that lasts.

Ok, so you’re finally ready to get the support you need to dive into all 3 of these KEY pillars to lasting sugar freedom...

Here are some options:

1. Hire a private Holistic Nutrition Coach who may not be aware of how to detox from sugar the right way...($6,000+)

2. Work with a dietitian who has no understanding of addiction or the inner work that is needed... ($4,000+) 

3. Find a food addiction specialist and be left without a sense of community and connection with others on the journey with you... ($5,000+)


For a fraction of the cost, you could join an inspiring community of women all going through the same journey right along with you while being guided by an expert in all things sugar addiction and emotional health! 

This program is literally EVERYTHING I do with my private clients over 6 months all condensed into 10 powerful weeks of accountability, guidance, support, and community! 

Are you joining us?...


You probably have a few questions...

Click on a question to view the answer 👇🏻👇🏻

The program officially starts on Feb 5, 2024. In the weeks before we start, you will get everything you need to prepare for the program as well as some prep-week action items to make sure you're fully prepared to be as successful as possible through the program.

We have an exciting group of women from all over the world joining our program! With this in mind, our call schedule will be on a rotation basis on various days and times to accommodate as best I can. We will co-create a rotating schedule based on the women who join us (You will have a say in when they are!). All calls will be recorded and easily accessible to watch if you aren't able to attend live.

Choose which support package is going to be best for your sugar journey (see investment section above for details)

1. Regular Registration (6 Pay Option)

2. Platinum Registration (6 Pay Option)

That's completely up to you! Most people decide to build sugar back into their lives in moderation after finding control in the program. You will decide what you want your future relationship with sugar to look like. During the program, you will be required to give up sugar for 4 full weeks in order to regain control and break the addiction. After this time, it is up to you how and if you want to include it back into your life if at all.

Most participants lose weight after breaking free from sugar- although this isn't the main focus of the program. The program is meant to help you regain control of your health, feel energized, put an end to the cravings and addiction, and learn to build healthier habits into your life for good. This program is NOT a fad diet or a quick fix. Your health takes time to heal and these 10 weeks will guide you down the right path to true health and happiness!

Yes & no. During different periods of the program, you will be asked to avoid certain fruits that are higher in sugar content until you're ready to add them back in towards the end of the program. The focus will be on increasing your consumption of lower sugar fruits and berries. After your 4 weeks sugar-free, you will be allowed to eat all and any fruit you wish.

The million-dollar question! Although the definition of sugar varies among experts, in this program there will be space for ALL diets and preferences. The focus will be on eliminating processed, white, and hidden sugars. Whole complex carbohydrates are not demonized in this program and are welcome if you wish - whole grains, vegetables etc. That said, if you wish to eliminate carbs all together you will be supported and guided to get clear on exactly how you'd like to go "sugar-free" during the detox. All is welcome here!

The goal of this program is to eliminate and detox from any "non-natural" food sources including alternative sweeteners. We will be discussing this in length before we go sugar-free and I will be sharing information about these sweeteners so you can feel empowered to make your own decision regarding their use. Ultimately, you will be encouraged to the best of your ability to avoid completely or as much as possible. 

You will be asked to eliminate and avoid these beverages to the best of your ability during this program. I understand how these substances are usually a separate addiction that may be scary for you to give up. That said, for optimal results and for your health, I will encourage you to eliminate or minimize these drinks as much as possible during the program but ultimately it's going to be up to you.

I'm with you on this one! What is a life without chocolate?

For the 4 weeks that you will be going sugar-free, you will be asked to avoid any added sweeteners (including chocolate with added sugar or alternative sweeteners). You will be welcome to continue eating any and all pure chocolate such as cacao nibs and 100% chocolate bars. I will be teaching you how to make your own chocolate during the program! Hate dark chocolate? Trust me.. your taste buds will completely change during this program. Be open-minded and watch as you start to LOVE dark chocolate!

Everybody is welcome here! Leave your "labels" at the door and come with me on a journey to get back in control of sugar and ultimately reclaiming your power! The meal plans focus on nutrient-rich whole foods. Every recipe includes adaptations that include most types of diets, so that you can eat what is important to you - meat, no meat, dairy, no dairy... The focus here is on whole, real foods and most importantly, discovering what works for your UNIQUE body and life without feeling restricted. 

Each week you will be given video lessons and workbooks for you to take action on the journey. These should take no more than 2 hours/week. You will also need to set aside time to grocery shop and cook meals at home. There will also be one 90-minute group coaching call each week

Still, have questions? Please email [email protected] 

Who's Dani?

As a Sugar Freedom Expert and Somatic Embodiment Coach, Dani helps women heal their relationships with sugar once and for all from the inside out! Having gone through sugar addiction herself, she knows how difficult and lonely the journey can be. That’s why she created the Break Free From Sugar Group Program to support women along the journey inward in a safe and supportive way.

She helps her clients rid themselves of sugar cravings, break through sugar addiction, re-connect to their true selves and create lasting peace with food!

Dani knows exactly what it takes to navigate this confusing and toxic substance and exactly how life-changing finding sugar freedom can be! 

Are you ready sister?


75% Complete

You're almost there! Enter your name and email below to get on the Waitlist for the upcoming program 👇👇